Week 2: Trapped In My Own Imagination
Details: Nikon D80, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 with reversing ring, focal length N/A, 2.5 seconds @ f/22, ISO 100
Well, this week I did not do much travelling at all, largely working in my Company's Reading office and at home. It was a hectic week and, as a consequence, photo opportunities were rare. However, I did have some time today (Sunday) at home to play with my camera and a new reversing ring for my prime lens, my first foray into the world of macro.
I would love to say that it was easy but I soon discovered just what the expression "shallow depth of field" meant and my admiration for the others in the DPC PAW who have made macro their theme increased tenfold. I was also using Nikon's Capture Pro hooked to Picture Project for the first time so I could see the images as they were shot to check for sharpness and focus, which proved to be a major benefit. So, armed with camera, tripod, office lamp and other sundry items, the session began!
So where have I been this week? Adrift in my own imagination!
I discovered that my wife's love of crystals and my love of science fiction coupled with a dried flower gave my imagination the chance to work overtime. The picture is an attempt to represent some alien life form crawling over an "other worldly" landscape, the landscape being an amethyst crystal (wonderful mountain ranges and colours close up) and the alien life form a dried seed pod of some kind. The colour and form of the "alien" were augmented in Photoshop to make it pop a little.
I think I need to get out more...
I thought it was a small red ocean fish on some very strange, but pretty, purple coral. Very interesting and abstract image.
And I thought it was some kind of insect at first, lol.
Good imagination.
Very creative. It almost looks like the crinkly paper you use in the bottom of presents or baskets, until you realize what the background is!
Yes, dof is tough with macro, I agree! The color of the red thing is beautiful. The thumbnail makes the whole image look a bit blotchy, but when viewed at full size, it looks much better. Creative idea!
It first it really does look like some sort of caterpillar. The background works very well in this shot.
The short DOF can be a blessing, you can really focus the viewers attention where you want it to be.
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